Friday, January 28, 2011

Useful, Fridays?

Today's useful item is the lovely accordion file:

Do you get magazines and find one or two useful pages inside which makes you reluctant to keep the whole magazine? I certainly didn't want to keep scores of issues of the three magazines I subscribe to. So I rip out the pages and store them in different sections of this accordion file. It's very handy and makes you feel so organized. Well, it makes me feel organized at least.

I got this one at a bookstore because it was very pretty and not much more expensive than a plain one. I am currently in the process of ripping out the pages from about 4 months of magazines. Remember that organized feeling? Well, sometimes it's just a feeling :)

On a different note, I'm going to pose a question for you all (the handful of people who read this). How do you decorate your house after Christmas? Do you have a winter theme? Do you put your spring items up to fight the winter blues? Do you go all out for Valentine's day and/or Saint Patrick's day? I'd love to hear your answers.

Have a lovely, warm, safe weekend!


  1. I leave a few of the winter-ish but not Christmasy things up and all a smattering of Valentines through the end of February. Then I put it all away and do the spring decorating.

  2. We have a ton of snowmen I got from my grandmother-in-law. I love the rustic ones, but Eric is making me put them away because he is tired of the snow.
